Copenhagen, Denmark - Worldwide

Wedding Photographer based in Denmark

The connections, the love, the biggest party of your life–these are all the priceless parts of your story that I love to make timeless. That’s what I’m here to photograph for you with my whole heart. Think of this: you’re living “the good ole days” right now! Who are you doing it with? What’s the big moment that’s happening?

What’s the memory you’re going to be sharing with everyone a year from now, or 20 years from now?

Hey friend!

I’m Gilli

First off: I’m so glad you’re here. :)

It will never get old to me that people like you trust me with a window into their life’s most delicate moments.

Growing up in Faroe Islands, I’ve had a camera in my hand for over 7 years now, and have been photographing weddings and couples for the past 4, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

And with that camera (who am I kidding, I’m usually juggling 2 or 3 of them at a time), I’m here to capture YOUR story, emotions, eye crinkles, belly laughs, and sneaky kisses–especially the ones that make silly fart noises. And can I tell ya something? I LOVE what I do. I feel like I won some sort of lottery or cracked the code of who I was meant to be, because I couldn’t imagine a better role for myself.

I get to attend these luxurious, magical, joy-filled wedding days filled with people like YOU and the people you love, and capture it all.

Let’s create something amazing together.

Faroese intro video

Heyst Mini Sessions!

Eg bjóði nú Mini Sessiónir har tit kunnu koma sum par, hjún, vinir ella familja og fáa tikið nakrar fantastiskar myndir.

Tað snýr seg um 15 minuttir, og tit fáa umleið 10 redigeraðar myndir. Tað er super lætt og skjótt at bíleggja. Kostnaður er bert 1.350kr.

These are your “once-in-a-lifetime” moments.







Vilt tú hava myndir og film av tykkara brúdleypsdegi?

Bíða hvat? Myndir OG Video? Jeps. Tú las rætt. Og harafturat verða talirnar eisini filmaðar.

Vit bjóða eina ómakaleysa uppliving fyri at dokumentera tín brúdleypsdag á besta hátt gjørligt. Eg lovi, at frá fyrsta teldupostinum til tit hava myndirnar og filmin í hendi, at vit bjóða tær bestu tænastuna! Hevur tú ikki uppiborðið tað?

Ummæli frá kundum

Í samband við at offisielt bíleggja meg til eitt brúdleyp, so taki eg bert eitt avmarkað tal av kundum um árið soleiðis eg kann syrgja fyri, at hvør einstaki kundi fær mítt fulla uppmerksemi, og at detaljirnar ikki detta niður ímillum.

Sum nú er, so eri eg næstan fult bókaður, so fyri at vit skulu kunna arbeiða saman, vinarliga bílegg skjótari heldur enn seinni.

Trýst her fyri at síggja prísir!

Vilja tit síggja prísir?

Marta + Rúni - Brúdleypsfilmur

Marta + Rúni - Brúdleypsfilmur